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Introducing your own personal
health diagnostic tool

We, at Jv-Scan, have been advocating preventive healthcare for the last 10 years or more using Voice Analysis as a Diagnosis tool, invented by Dr Mahesh Hukmani

Technology Developed
for all age-groups

Voice samples can reveal a lot about a person's health, and Researchers believe they can identify underlying medical conditions in the Pre Illness stage or gauge disease risk based on subtle vocal cues. Using the Jv-Scan App, the user can record short speech samples, analyze them, and derive statistics about the user's health using a smartphone or other wearable device.


From Research to Clinical Practice-5000 People tested through Voice Analysis


Conditions that affect our minds and bodies cause changes in our speech—such as changing our tone, slurring our words, emphasizing certain words, lengthening our pauses, and more. Based on these kinds of factors, Jv-Scan - A home based Preventive diagnostic tool is being developed that helps to diagnose and predict many diseases in the Pre-illness stages.

AI LAB TECHNOLOGY and machine learning in health


Identifying disorders
in pre-illness stages


Customized Reporting


Root cause Analysis


Real time Analysis

 FULL BODY SCAN using voice analysis with: 97% Accuracy

Filling a gap between knowing the problem and going for Lab Tests – it has been observed that 23% people get the lab tests done when they observe symptoms, 56% get the lab tests done after doctor recommendation & 13% go for routine lab tests


Addressing the Root Cause of a Disease is the most crucial step towards attaining Disease Prevention. This is because all diseases are borne in the mind and further progress into the Body through various stages. The Root cause of any Disease is  almost and invariably a  very low vibratory Emotional state as Measured over The Human Vibratory Emotional Scale. A deep seated Emotion, lodged within the Depths of the Subconscious mind , collectively addressed as  Trapped Emotions


Addressing the Root Cause of a Disease is the most crucial step towards attaining Disease Prevention. This is because all diseases are borne in the mind and further progress into the Body through various stages. The Root cause of any Disease is  almost and invariably a  very low vibratory Emotional state as Measured over The Human Vibratory Emotional Scale. A deep seated Emotion, lodged within the Depths of the Subconscious mind , collectively addressed as  Trapped Emotions


In the Human Body, the Immune system is represented by a few Organs & Frequencies. Jv-scan measures the working Frequencies of these Organs to give you a Comprehensive Immune status Scoring using a Unique Algorithm, so that you take action in Right Time to keep away from any Measure of Ill health.

For the First time ever, using a Diagnosis tool to predict Organ Risk Calculation-an era of Preventive Diagnosis.
This is based on the calculation of your Normal Frequencies and Comparing it with the Working Frequencies of an Organ to give you Precisely the Low vibratory states at the Level of your Organs and Systems.
An era of Preventive Diagnosis so you stay Hail, Hearty and Healthy.


Mapping of different Biomarkers of ill health was never so easy before.
Our unique AI Algorithm maps up different biomarkers of good and ill health and categorizes them further into various categories to give you an overall score for your Blood Profile-The Cellular score.

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