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  • Position :                    Specialist

  • Specialty :                   Ophthalmology

  • Mobile :                      9915113266

  • E-Mail :            

  • Nationality :                 Indian



  1. Dr Harendra  Dev  Singh: MD (Cardiologist)

  2. Dr Madhu Sharda:  MD (Gynae  + Infertility)



Establishing the accuracy of voice analysis with traditional Allopathic Diagnosis tools in any stage Diagnosis of Diseases


Type of Research :

  • Basic medical research

  • Clinical research


Health Research Themes :

  • Clinical Research

  • Health Services Research

  • Social, Cultural, Environmental, and Population Health Research


Setting: Secondary preventive Research: India





98 patients attending various Departments of Krishna Heart Care, in UP, India  from March 28-April 2, 2022  were included in the research.



All who could understand the basics of this Research work  regarding voice Analysis in early diagnosis of all diseases utilizing Voice

Main outcomes measures 

  • All patients attending the OPD of Krishna Heart Care, Jaunpur, UP India

  • Those who would Volunteer to be a Part of the Research



Data Collection  was  done using our Software for Voice Analysis.

  • 30 seconds of voice clip was  recorded using laptop and a mic.

  • Interpretation & correlation with their existing complaints and disease was done .

  • Medical Records were  created for further evaluation.


The First Point of Contact: Each Patient was Evaluated Properly for the following Parameters:

  1. Pulse

  2. BP

  3. Temperature

  4. Respiratory Rate

  5. Oxygen Saturation


All these parameters were then noted down in the Questionnaire provided to each one  responsible for collecting Data & information.


The Second point of contact:

Each Patient was checked by the respective Specialty clinic and the treating doctor  took  a proper History of Symptoms /complaints present at the Moment and  noted them down in the Form Provided.


The Doctor then also recommended a set of blood tests to perform based on the history given by the patient apart from the routine blood tests:

The Doctor also recommended other tests as required.

Example: ECG,USG, X-RAY, ECHO, Doppler etc


The Third point of Contact was :  Recording their Voice in quiet surrounding’s & further evaluation of each in the form of : Presence or absence of Missing, weak or Hyperactive frequencies at the Levels of:

  • Mind

  • Blood

  • Body


Following the Results of lab tests/Investigations and coming to a Diagnosis we compared  all the findings with those as  shown in the Voice grids/Graphs of each patient in the form of weak, missing or hyperactive body frequencies at the Organ Level: That is Octave 5th in order to establish the efficacy of voice analysis as a diagnosis tool by comparing the two separate systems of Diagnosis.


All these were compared and correlated to reach a final conclusion:

  • Vital Parameters

  • The Symptoms/Complaints

  • Lab tests

  • Investigation reports

  • Diagnosis


The Sample Size of this Research was : 110 . However due to poor voice recordings and signals in 12 Patients the sample size was reduced to 98

Patients of all age groups between 10-84  ,both Male/Female ( Males: 49 and Females: 49)with all types of chronic  and non-communicable Diseases. Both New and Old Patients of Krishna Heart care were included in the Project.

Two groups were created:

  1. New cases: 49 Patients

  2. Old cases : 49 Patients


New cases

Male: 22

Female: 27


Old cases

Male: 27

Female: 22


Same Investigative Protocol was followed in each of the groups. All changes noticed or evident from the investigation protocol were noted.

List of Diseases we were able to Research upon in this study were



  1. Coronary Artery Disease

  2. Myocardial Infarction

  3. Cardiomegaly

  4. Paroxysmal supra ventricular Tachycardia

  5. Atrial Fibrillation

  6. Angina Pectoris

  7. Hypertension

  8. Hypotension

  9. Left ventricular failure



  1. Hyperglycemia

  2. Hypoglycemia



  1. Renal Failure

  2. Others



  1. Hypothyroidism

  2. Hyperthyroidism



  1. COPD

  2. Allergic Bronchitis

  3. Cancer  Lung



  1. Infertility

  2. Anemia

  3. Pain abdomen

  4. Abdominal Distension

  5. Hepatomegaly

  6. Fatty Liver

  7. Laryngitis

  8. Anxiety Neurosis

  9. Schizophrenia

  10. Migraine

  11. Vertigo


6 Parameters Were Utilized For Reaching Our Diagnosis

  1. ECG

  2. X-RAY

  3. ECHO


  5. Human Voice

  6. Lab Tests



List of Lab Tests that we utilized to reach a conclusion of Disease/Diagnosis  and Organ Involvement

  1. Complete Blood

  2. LFT

  3. KFT

  4. Blood Sugar Fasting & Random

  5. Thyroid  Profile

  6. TROPONIN assessment : 28 Patients were subject to Troponin Tests




The Results were then compared with Organs Involved using Voice Analysis Graphs/Grids



Everything in this universe is made of Energy. Our Body too is made up of energy beginning at the quantum level.

An Atom is the Smallest Constitution of an Individual Body responsible for Building Human Blocks.

Each Atom is Composed of :


NUCLEUS: In the Centre Containing Proton and Neutron: Which is Stationary The difference in the no of such Protons plus Neutrons make up different cells.

Periphery: Having Electrons: That revolves around the Atom randomly and at high speed to create the Energy or Life force we call Life. Each Motion brings about certain frequencies as the Electron Moves and the Value of Each frequency depends upon the Composition of Each atom.


Normally each atom has equal no of protons and electrons.

This may become imbalanced More or less when the Disease starts creeping in.

Each atom has a different atomic number based on the no of protons and electrons it carries and there fore each atom vibrates at a different frequency.


This creates frequencies inside the human body which is measured in Hz

Each organ has a specific frequency or a range at which it resonates to perform its functions within the human body


Body frequencies are affected by the states of our mind: A Conscious mind dominant individual has high Body vibrations while a subconscious mind dominant individual has low body vibrations,. Both these states are not considered good for the Human Body.


Frequencies have been used in the form of sound therapies for long to bring about Healing at Mind Body levels , However its for the first time ever that we will be using body frequencies to not only diagnose mental health , blood health or the physical health but also Parameters like chakra imbalances, element imbalances, Immunity strength calculations, Organ Risk calculations and may more of about 100 plus Biomarkers of Ill health.

Every cell, Organ or a System in the Human Body is resonating or vibrating at a value which we name as the Working Frequency for that particular cell, or an organ and is Measured in Hertz.


All the cells and Organs Vibrate to perform their respective functions in the Human Body.

There are four types of Frequencies encountered during Voice Analysis:


Normal frequencies : These are the base frequencies of an organ we call the working frequency @which an organ vibrates/Resonates to perform its functions For Example: Heart Vibrates at its working frequency  to pump blood into the entire body:


Weak frequencies: Mean that the Organ frequency is low & that the organ is vibrating at a low resonance and  under performing in the Body and may be at future risk


  • Weak frequencies indicate a future risk @ all levels of Health : Mental , physical or Blood and therefore an indicator of a Disease in the pre illness stages


Missing frequencies: Means that the vibrational frequency value of an Organ is compromised and either it has stopped working or about to stop its Normal Functioning inside the body


  • Missing Frequencies indicate the presence of a disease not only at the emotional level but also at the levels of blood and the physical body.


  • For example :  Schizophrenia,  Neurotransmitter deficiencies or a Thyroid or a Kidney Disease.


Missing frequencies form the basis of Voice Analysis as an Early Diagnosis tool in the pre ill ness stages and should be regarded as an Emergency , requiring either visiting a Doctor or the Hospital and should be taken as an URGENT sign.


Hyperactive frequencies: Mean that the  Working vibrational frequency of a particular organ is higher than normal and it may be compensating for the missing frequency of another organ/System connected to it.


In case the Hyperactive frequencies are seen at the emotional level: its an indication of the overactivity of the conscious mind


At the level of the physical body it means that an organ is showing hyperactivity and must be balanced by any means convenient


If Thyroid; we can say : it may be Hyperthyroidism


Every Human Voice is composed of nothing but certain Frequencies of different values :


An Expression of Each and Every System in the Body

An Expression of Each and Every Organ in the Body

An Expression of Elements in the Blood

An Expression of Each and Every Emotion in the Mind

And many more of such Parameters or Bio Markers.


The Human Body has 12 Major Frequencies with a Range under which all organs and Systems have been classified.

These Frequencies are:


  1. C-MAJ

  2. C-SHARP

  3. D-MAJ

  4. D-SHARP

  5. E-MAJ

  6. F-MAJ

  7. F-SHARP

  8. G-MAJ

  9. G-SHARP

  10. A-MAJ

  11. A-SHARP

  12. B-MAJ


A few criteria were set up for diagnosis of different diseases as represented by different organs and their involvement in the form of missing, weak or hyperactive frequencies.


Following Parameters  were studied during the Research and their correlations with frequencies they represent were studied to establish an accuracy of Diagnosis
















Following symptoms were encountered during the Research and their correlations with frequencies they represent were studied to establish an accuracy of Diagnosis.

























Following Diseases were encountered during the Research and their correlations with frequencies they represent were studied to establish an accuracy of Diagnosis.


















Correlation of Parameters recorded with Voice analysis Graph:

  • All Vital Parameters as recoded in First Point of Contact  were matched with the frequencies detected as : Missing/Weak or Hyperactive and their associations


Correlation of Symptoms/Complaints with Voice analysis Graph:

  • All complaints and symptoms were matched with the frequencies detected as : Missing/Weak or Hyperactive and their associations


Correlation Lab tests reports with Voice analysis Graph:

  • All Lab tests reporting were matched with the frequencies detected as : Missing/Weak or Hyperactive and their associations


Correlation of Organ/Organs  involved as per Diagnosis-and Voice Grid

  • After all lab tests and Diagnosis reports, we compared them using voice analysis grids and matched the Frequencies of Organs that showed disease or weakness



For Accuracy Analysis we created 10 Categories


98 patients ,with /without multiple diseases both Male/Female in the age range 10-84, with or without any Diseases, who attended the OPD of Krishna Heart Care, Jaunpur, UP, India were a part of this Research work



A total of 98 patients , both Male/Female in the age range 10-84, with or without any Diseases, who attended the OPD of Krishna Heart Care, Jaunpur, UP, India were a part of this Research work


For the purpose of ease we divided all patients into Different categories

A total of 98 patients with 135 Diseases and who presented with 45 symptoms and Complaints, were Studied in this Research Project

Each Category of Patients were tested for  accuracy of voice analysis by:


  1. Frequency correlation With Complaints/Symptoms

  2. Frequency correlation With Lab tests

  3. Frequency correlation With Diagnosis/Involvement of Organs





CATEGORY: HEART Patients: 35

A total of 35 Patients both Male/Female with 10 Different Heart Diseases were studied for accuracy with Voice Analysis and were  correlated with, these 3 Parameters for coming to a conclusion


The frequencies responsible for Heart Involvement were checked in each patients voice analysis Grid and a final conclusion was thereafter drawn.


A total of  3 frequencies are responsible for Heart Involvement and also the symptoms or Complaints the patients present with.

Heart is represented in our body by a total of 3 frequencies

  • 2  Major  Frequencies

  • 1 Minor Frequency


Following was the correlation with Frequencies involved:


12 CASES Presented with 1 frequency missing

11 patients presented with 2 frequencies missing

8 patients presented with 3 frequencies missing



All patients with Heart Diseases upon Voice Analysis had 1-3 frequencies Missing or weak


















Blood Pressure is indicated by 4 Frequencies: that could either be missing or weak

IN all these cases the body frequencies representing BLOOD Pressure were involved.


Following was the correlation with Frequencies involved:






































Diabetes is indicated by 2 Frequencies: that could either be missing or weak or Hyperactive

In all these cases the body frequencies representing Diabetes with Involvement of Pancreas were shown either Missing or Hyperactive

Following was the correlation with Frequencies involved:
























Thyroid Gland is represented by 2 frequencies in the human body

In all these cases the body frequencies representing Thyroid diseases with Involvement of Thyroid Gland were shown either Missing or Hyperactive





















Liver is represented by 1  frequency in the human body


Following was the correlation with Frequencies involved:

10 cases with Liver Diseases also had Missing or Hyperactive frequencies representing Liver

In 2 cases no correlation was seen in terms of Liver Diseases and Body frequencies involvement





















Anemia is represented by 2 Frequencies :​


5 case Presented with Weak frequencies

1 case presented with Hyperactive frequency

IN 2 CASES no correlation could be established

























Kidneys are represented by 2 Major frequencies :


All 3 cases presented with Missing or Weak frequencies representing kidneys
























Joint pain are represented by a 4 frequencies:


IN 11 CASES these frequencies were either weak or Missing and giving them Joint Pains

In 4 cases no correlation could be established




















Anxiety neurosis is a set of emotions associated with or without any disease.

The octave to look for Anxiety neurosis is different than the octave to look for Organ involvement

However we correlated the symptoms and complaints to reach our accuracy

8 out of 10 cases showed symptoms of anxiety while 2 didn't have any correlation with their symptoms and diagnosis made by the physician.

This category there fore requires a larger study group to come to a final conclusion.





















This category included those:

  • Regular check up: 6

  • Abdomen involved : 2

  • Infertility :1

  • Vertigo : 2

  • Laryngitis : 2

  • Migraine : 1


4/6 for regular check up matched their symptoms with missing or weak frequencies

2/2  cases of abdomen involvement showed 100% accuracy

1/1 infertility showed missing frequencies matching their disease

½ vertigo patients showed missing frequencies matching their diseases

½ Laryngitis patients showed missing frequencies matching their diseases

1/1 Migraine patient showed missing frequencies matching their diseases

















































The Health care industry is a fast growing and changing paradigm in the recent times and especially Covid-19 has generated much awareness and infused seeds of newer technologies that are coming up fast to keep pace with the Requirement and need of the hour.

Voice Analysis as a  new diagnosis tool that fulfills all guidelines for secondary disease prevention: 1984 GENEVA CONVENTION: W.H.O is not only evolving with respect to its early diagnosis capabilities in cases with no symptoms to its ability to diagnose diseases at par with the traditional diagnosis tools like X-RAY, ECG, Doppler, ECHO etc


Voice analysis has shown to have excellent diagnosis capabilities and accuracy correlation with greater than 90% in all categories selected for research, with the Traditional Diagnosis tools.


Understanding Body frequencies in details in therefore the key to understand the Human Body Dynamics so that we can utilize this knowledge to learn and implement it further for diagnosing various diseases with less hazardous and less painful and less expensive procedures.


Bibliographic References:









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