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The use of Artificial intelligence in voice analysis for early & accurate Diagnosis of diseases in the Pre illness stages is going to open up new opportunities in the existing healthcare Industry for all including Doctors, Paramedics and other Allied Health care workers of the Alternative Medicine fraternity, The Ayurvedic Practitioners and the list goes endless.
We at Jv-scan utilize a unique Algorithm in AI to detect the presence or absence of certain Vocal biomarkers in detecting Pre-illness stage Vibrations of Different elements in the Body for diagnosis, risk prediction, and identifying the organs at risk.
We have developed an algorithm that has been tested on a single dataset to gather the results and then on a second dataset to establish the results. Voice is a powerful tool to analyze changes in your body.
Our Voice Analysis reporting is unique and gives you over 12 reports along with a few Health scoring points with Recommendations and 6 Treatment options, so you can & your family stays Healthy .
Your Personality Traits Analysis
Root Cause Analysis of your Current Health issues
The Coping Up Mechanism Analysis
Your 7 chakra Analysis
Your 5 Element Analysis
Brain wave Analysis
Disease progression Analysis
Your overall immune system Analysis
Your predictive organ risk calculation
Overall Blood Health Analysis
Overall Physical Health Analysis
DNA Health status Analysis
Mental Health Score
Blood Health score
Physical Health Score
DNA Health score
Overall Health score